Many years prior to this tragic declaration, the species could be found in the eastern states of the country — particularly along the Mississippi River.
The human-driven assault on pumas was, in part, motivated by the animals interfering with the farming of livestock. Cougars would curb deer overpopulation and tick-borne diseases that threaten human health. A self-described "recovering vegan hothead," she is now a pragmatic member of Vancouver's vibrant and growing plant-powered community. Hailing from Halifax, Nova Scotia, she holds a BA in Spanish and certificate in Intercultural Communication from Dalhousie University, where her thesis focused on topics of cultural and gender-based discrimination.
She aims to apply a privilege-conscious and culturally sensitive approach to her work in all fields. More by Emily Court. Western pumas disperse widely and have shown up as far east as Connecticut. A different subspecies of the puma, the Florida panther, survives in a small, isolated and precarious population at the rapidly urbanizing southern tip of Florida.
These animals, too, were once widespread, from their namesake state north to Georgia and west to Arkansas and eastern Texas. Cougars from the mountainous West have reclaimed lost habitat and currently reproduce as small populations in North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska. Pumas are increasingly threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation due to human development of land. Human-puma conflict, including retaliatory and pre-emptive killing, is a primary threat to pumas and is exacerbated by old mythology perpetuating the fear of pumas.
In some parts of the Americas, puma prey populations are depleted due to overhunting by humans as well as loss of habitat. Legal and illegal hunting, including bounty hunting and poaching, poses a significant threat to pumas throughout their range.