Why do yams increase chances of twins

When a baby is born, it brings immense satisfaction and twin babies are twice the fun and make you feel on top of the world. Yet, not all parents are of the same view. Some are scared of the thoughts of having twins or more babies at the same time, while others parents may desperately need to have twins. If you and your partner are in this second category thinking of what to eat to get pregnant with twins faster, then this article is for you.

In this article, we have recorded down different foods believed to increase your fertility, so you have a higher possibility of welcoming two pairs of tiny feet in one go. The natural way is the most ideal, and if you and your partner are planning to have twins, you should make a few adjustments to your diets. Here are 8 natural foods to increase fertility for conceiving twins:. In one of the investigations, it was noticed that in Nigeria, people of the Yoruba clan have a high rate of twin births.

It was observed that it was as a result of a significant amount of yams in their diet. Yam is a rich source of progesterone and phytoestrogens, and this may lead to hyper-ovulation. Hence, it was reported that the high amount of yam in their diet was a reasonable cause of twin or multiple births. The diet of locals is very rich in yams and this has contributed to a twin birth rate four times higher than the global average.

Consumption of Maca root is beneficial for couples who are facing fertility issues. Moreover, consuming Maca root is recommended to women who wish to have twin babies, as it can help their fertility.

This root can be consumed in either raw, dried, or powdered form. During ovulation, most women release one egg and twins are conceivable if the egg splits into two after fertilization or if two separate eggs get fertilized. Reports have shown that eating cassava, a plant with a tuber root may help a woman release excess eggs during ovulation, leading to more babies. Though, chances are that the twins may not be identical but fraternal as two eggs get fertilized.

Interestingly, the diet of the Yoruba people in Nigeria is also in cassava, a research was carried out at the University Teaching Hospital Lagos for their multiple births suggested that a high level of a compound was found in the Yoruba women and the peelings of the tuber are responsible for the high level of multiple births. These substances are generally linked to release more than one egg, which usually leads to twin pregnancies.

This is one of the main requirements for your developing child, and your doctor may recommend a folic supplement alongside other vitamins during your pregnancy.

Demographic and scientific studies conducted in the early s pointed to white yams as the culprit in the mystery of multiple births in southwestern Nigeria. Ugwonali interviewed people about their eating habits and made his own observations. Anti-estrogens fool the brain into thinking there is insufficient estrogen, causing it to release more of a hormone called gonadotrophin and increase the ovulation rate, he said.

Ugwonali, who began his residency in orthopaedics at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York, plans to continue his research in Brazil, where many Yoruba were brought as slaves in colonial times. He wants to determine if the high incidence of multiple births persists there among the Yoruba, who have maintained elements of their language, religion, cultural identity and diet, including consumption of white yams.

Last Updated on January 16, A baby brings immense happiness in your life, and twin babies are twice the fun and make you feel on top of the world. But not all parents are of the same view. There are many who dread the thought of having twins or more babies at the same time, while others may desperately want to have twins.

Are you and your partner in the second category? Then, this article is just for you! It is not only your genes that may do the trick, but also your eating habits. In the following article, we have listed down various foods that could increase your fertility, so you have a higher chance of having twins.

The natural way is the best way, and if you are planning to have twins, you will have to make a few changes to your diet. If you have always dreamt of having twins, eating the following foods may make your dreams come true. In one of the studies, it was observed that people of the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria have a high rate of twin births. It was established that it was because of the significant amount of yams in their diet. Yams are a rich source of progesterone and phytoestrogens, and this may lead to hyper-ovulation.

Therefore, the high amount of yams in their diet was reported as a probable cause of twin or multiple births. Folic acid is one of the main requirements of your growing baby, and your doctor may recommend folic acid supplements along with other vitamins during your pregnancy. Avocado , spinach , broccoli , and asparagus are a good source of folic acid too.

Apart from this, it is suggested that women who are trying to get pregnant should consume folic acid on a regular basis to increase their chances of conception. You may take twice the recommended dosage to heighten your fertility if you are trying to conceive twins. However, make sure to consult your doctor before doing so. In a study, it was established that women who consume more dairy and dairy derivatives are five times more likely to have twin babies, in comparison to women who consume lesser milk or dairy products.

When you consume more milk, your ovaries have a higher chance of releasing more eggs, increasing the possibility of conceiving twins. Consumption of maca root is very beneficial for men and women who are facing fertility issues. Additionally, consuming maca root is suggested to women who wish to have twin babies, as it can boost their fertility.


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